TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - There is a saying - about Tyrants being the biggest cowards.
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Subject There is a saying - about Tyrants being the biggest cowards.
Posted by Ash's Z on September 10, 2011 at 3:56 PM
  This message has been viewed 1071 times.
In Reply To your views on Concept Z Performance and AMS? posted by juniorj1995 on September 09, 2011 at 07:07 PM
Message Think about it - why aren't they knocking off the RPS flywheel design? It is the best design out there, and AMS has an affinity towards those very type of products. I'm sure it would be very easy for AMS to have them duplicated. They are knocking off products with a higher degree of complexity than a flywheel.

Reason: that flywheel is patent protected. To knock it off will certainly draw them into a legal battle that they will ultimately lose. It isn't worth it. Vuk is like a tyrant within this community, however, you also have to give props to him for his savvy. I once learned a very hard and crushing way that "Business is Business", and this very debate is nothing but business to Vuk. If he can do it without suffering legal backlash that will cost him money, it is just business, pure and simple. He may have gall, but dont confuse that with courage. He's no more a man than a mouse who will jump from the sight of his own shadow. If he possessed anything close to what is required to call himself a vertebrate, he would be in here defending his position - even if it were just a single statement: Business is business, we turn a profit from providing parts for reasonable prices, any product not protected is fair game. Deal with it.

Bottom line, protect your products the best you can. It is easier than you may currently think.

We are at the beginning stages of developing a new product, and it is not a simple product. It will likely be our last "hoorah" for the Z32, at least for some time afterwards. There has already been countless hours poured into the concept just in drawings and calculations. All said and done, the product will consist of ~18 individual components, most of them being rather exotic pieces, then testing, refinement, and so on and so forth. This is a product I began putting drawings together for as far back as 2006 but just haven't had the time or resources to pursue it. Through the awesome support we've had from the community and busting our tails to iron out a lot of the kinks, we have a pretty smoothly operating business that is now capable of taking on the R&D of such a product. Be assured, it is going to be an awesome product and again, we have you, the community, to thank for your support even through the toughest of times in our past. Without your support this would not be possible.

We've been around the block a time or two and in more than one way have found ourselves on the non-lubricated end of business. But who's fault is it? I have a simple philosophy I'd like to share here, which I did not come up with on my own so not to take credit, but it is called the law of attraction. Everything you think and do lays the groundwork for the next moment, the next minute, the next hour, day year, decade, el fin. I accept the responsibility for those situations - I failed to protect my interests because I've been too nice of a guy trying to make things work in the cut-throat business atmosphere. By no means am I defending Vuk, but one does have to ask themselves just how much did they do for themselves to prevent such things from happening? or what didn't they do.

We are going to take from the example RPS has inadvertently laid out. Papers are in the works for filing a provisional patent for this product, which is incredibly inexpensive but only provides protection for one year. It is the perfect fit for this industry. In a year's time we will likely have v2 available or some add-on kit to further enhance the product, which will warrant an additional provisional patent that give us another year. If someone wants to test those waters, have at it. It will be perfect incentive to file the full utility patent and chum up the legal waters. I dont even care about the financial rewards that may come from it - just the personal satisfaction of knowing I got to put my foot up someone's arse... because business is business.

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